My Week With Primrose
I WATCHED HUNGER GAMES yaaay! I watched it with Niki Amel mba Dania and mother <3
It was amazing. Yes it was. Although there are a few ups and downs. For you guys who read the book before watching it, get ready for some deleted scenes..... :s But Gary Ross did a great job starting the first trilogy! Can't wait for the 2nd and 3rd one! ;D Hunger Games was absolutely stunning! I mean, the Capitol is exactly what I imagined like. Futuristic, fancy and extraordinary clothing and make-ups. The arena was huge and I just love how Seneca Crane controls the game. But still though, Hunger Games was not the best movie I've seen. The best movie I've seen until now is probably Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, (500) Days of Summer and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I & II. But yes, Hunger Games is the best English novel I've read.... after Harry Potter.
My 3 best English novels are: Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Hazel Green.
It looks like I've got a thing for books title starting the letter H huh? ;)
AAANNNDDD my one and only favourite Indonesian novel is PERAHU KERTAS!
And I've heard that om Hanung Bramantyo will be making the movie yay yay yay yay yay so happy :")
I had my last dancing lesson until next month, but I'll be performing on Swara Mahardhika's anniversary next Saturday. Anyway, I met Vira and Tanya today! UUUU So happy! I miss them! I miss my MABI GURLS. I miss Bandung local camp people. I miss Bandung.
OHIYA. Well, since I got a really bad score on my math yesterday, I need to stay home for the weekend and study study study! Gosh I wish the National Exam would hurry up already so I won't have to study all these craps and papers GAAAAAAAAH. Excusing my behavior about the national exam thingy, I just watched a lot of movie trailers lately. The trailers I just watched were The Vow, Snow White and the Huntsman, Battle Royale, Titanic 3D and My Week With Marilyn. After watching My Week With Marilyn trailer, I got so excited to watch it! I just can't wait until it comes out.
I got 2 quotes of the day:
It was amazing. Yes it was. Although there are a few ups and downs. For you guys who read the book before watching it, get ready for some deleted scenes..... :s But Gary Ross did a great job starting the first trilogy! Can't wait for the 2nd and 3rd one! ;D Hunger Games was absolutely stunning! I mean, the Capitol is exactly what I imagined like. Futuristic, fancy and extraordinary clothing and make-ups. The arena was huge and I just love how Seneca Crane controls the game. But still though, Hunger Games was not the best movie I've seen. The best movie I've seen until now is probably Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, (500) Days of Summer and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I & II. But yes, Hunger Games is the best English novel I've read.... after Harry Potter.
My 3 best English novels are: Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Hazel Green.
It looks like I've got a thing for books title starting the letter H huh? ;)
AAANNNDDD my one and only favourite Indonesian novel is PERAHU KERTAS!
And I've heard that om Hanung Bramantyo will be making the movie yay yay yay yay yay so happy :")
OHIYA. Well, since I got a really bad score on my math yesterday, I need to stay home for the weekend and study study study! Gosh I wish the National Exam would hurry up already so I won't have to study all these craps and papers GAAAAAAAAH. Excusing my behavior about the national exam thingy, I just watched a lot of movie trailers lately. The trailers I just watched were The Vow, Snow White and the Huntsman, Battle Royale, Titanic 3D and My Week With Marilyn. After watching My Week With Marilyn trailer, I got so excited to watch it! I just can't wait until it comes out.
I got 2 quotes of the day:
"You say you love rain, but you use and umbrella to walk under it. You say you love the sun, but you seek shade when it's shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your window. So that's why I'm scared when you say you love me"
- Bob Marley
"Saya belajar dari kisah hidup seseorang. Hati tidak pernah memilih. Hati dipilih. Jadi, kalau (Keenan) bilang, (Keenan) telah memilih saya, selamanya (Keenan) tidak akan pernah tulus mencintai saya, karena hati tidak perlu memilih. Ia selalu tahu kemana harus berlabuh."
- Luhde (Perahu Kertas-DEE)
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