yellow october

happy second day of october! it's national batik day! what a coincidence because today at school we had the free batik uniform. anywaaays, yesterday was my mum's birthday. happy birthday mumzy. i love u.

today i am so happy because the rain came crashing by. i wanted the rain to come so bad but when i went out of the class today, the wind was so strong it blew my skirt hehehe. but no one saw me because they were all too busy making fun of each other. i love october. the rainy season starts and that means layers of clothing! layers and layers and layers. i loooove wearing lots of layers. underwear, tank tops, t-shirt, jacket, and then if it's that cold then i can bring a blanket anywhere i go. my grandpa always wear layers of clothing. a singlet, a t-shirt, a vest, and then a jacket. october, november, december and january will always be my favourite months of the year.

this week, i am booked with quizzes and projects before the 3 ways conference. i would consider my self lucky because my school doesn't have a mid-term exam. but we do have tons of projets to finish. but making projects is 100% better than having to study in the weekend, yes? speaking of projects, i just finished printing out my bahasa indonesia poem. we were free to chose what the poem was about, and since valerius is in town, and that means my fangirling talent will go all out, i decided to make a poem about fangirling. my friend, who is a belieber, and another who is a huge fan of rafael from manchester united helped me making this poem. i asked them what would happen if they met their celebrity crush. my poem is the longest of all my friends. i really enjoy making this poem because it really is about my feelings this week. 

here's the poem, but it is in indonesian:

Kehidupan Seseorang di
Belakang Layar
Oleh: Janis Argeswara

Berdiam-diam ku menggali tentang dirimu
Sudah sering kali ku mencari perhatianmu
Namun, sepertinya diriku tak terlihat

Sudahku bilang hai berkali-kali
Sudahku kirimkan surat-surat
Namun, sepertinya diriku tetap tidak terlihat

Ku bertanya kepada diriku sendiri
Kapan akan aku terlihat di matanya?
Sesibuk itukah dia?
Sampai-sampai Ia tidak melihatku

Kamarku penuh dengan mukamu
Seakan-akan kamu terus melihatimu
Hatiku ikut bahagia ketika kau bilang
Kau akan main ke Jakarta

Ku bisa nangis, pingsan bahkan
Jika ku melihatmu di depan mataku
Akan ku peluk badanmu
Dan tidak akan ku cuci bajuku
Hatiku copot melihat senyumanmu
Sesak nafasku melihatmu di hadapanku
Seandainya kau tahu
Ku akan selalu mendukungmu

Segila-gilanya aku kepadamu
Tetapi di matamu
Aku hanya seorang penggemar belaka

so that was my oh-so-awesome poem. 

this week i have known new things, and they became my crush. they are:

my movie crush this week are:
moonrise kingdom and submarine

my music crush this week are:
fix you by coldplay and only hope by mandy moore

my activity crush this week is:
making glitter tattoos and everything with glitter

my food crush this week is:
kue ape

there's this guy selling a traditional food from jakarta called kue ape. it is made from flour, coconut milk and one more thing that i am not familiar with. it is very delicious. and everytime i bought these kue apes, there's always this 3 months old baby with her mum who happens to be the owner's daughter. so being there really makes me happy. food and a baby.

last week, on friday, i slept over at trista's and had an all-genre movie marathon, but we ended up watching only 3 genres, which are: comedy, drama and indie. the movies we watched were:
detention, a walk to remember, and submarine. 

detention was hilarious. we decided to watch that because josh hutcherson played a role there. the both of us are huge fan of josh. everytime josh makes a move, we would be like, "gaaah!" and "awwww" and "cutie patootieeee" and things like that.

i have watched a walk to remember and i never got bored. i love how nicholas sparks makes jamie the shy but confident type of girl, and has unique interests. landon was perfect. watching this movie makes me want to have someone like landon, but nowadays it very hard to find some guy like him.

submarine is beautiful. it is very beautiful. it was a british movie so the first i heard oliver spoke i couldn't understand it, but then i got used to it. jordana's a very unique kind of girl who i am willing to be friends with. jordana was just amazing. i admire her so much. i admire their relationship.

anyway, it's getting late and i still have school tomorrow. the next post will include my moodboard.

october's early playlist:

song list:

Kisah Dari Selatan Jakarta : White Shoes and The Couples Company

You Were The Universe : Stars and Rabbit

Perahu Kertas : Maudy Ayunda

Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want : The Smiths

Rabbit Run : Stars and Rabbit

Black Sheep : Metric

Cry : Mandy Moore

You Really Got a Hold On Me : She and Him
