Rookie Cookie: An Interview with Gabi Mulder
Earlier this month I've discovered new instagram users and most of them came from Australia. I forgot where I found Gabi's instagram, but it doesn't really matter because first sight of her feed and I was in love. Her photos are filled with warm colours and eccentric models, which reminded me of summer and Australia, and I couldn't help but to interview her for this month.
And I did. I actually got a chance to interview the girl behind the camera, Gabi E. Mulder.
Gabi: I was always really interested in magazines and for a long time and wanted to become a magazine editor. After a little while I found I was more drawn to the photo shoots in the magazines than the brands etc. So that's when I decided to really try my hand at photographing people and it's all worked out really nicely which has been amazing :)
What inspires you?
Random people on the street largely, whether they have great style, personality etc. Also a lot of photographers on instagram and tumblr. There are so many incredibly talented people out there that I never find there's a shortage of inspiration around which is so great. I wish creativity was given more credit than it does these days. I think a lot of people lose their creativity because throughout their childhood they're told it won't get them anywhere so they stop. I think that's really sad and we as a society need to stop that from continuing definitely :)
Canon 1000D. It was just after I had gotten my first job when I was 14 and I asked my parents if they could purchase an SLR for me and i would pay them back. To this day I am yet to pay back a cent haha oops.
What's your favourite thing to take photos of besides people?
Hmm, probably really lovely landscapes. Waterfalls, beaches, headlands all of that :) Where i live we have the most incredible natural surroundings so I'm always coming across gorgeous places :)
What's so interesting in photographing people?
I love when I see a person's true personality show through. I think it's just such a gorgeous moment when you see a person being so 'themselves', so i think it's really amazing to be able to capture that in an image. I love the diversity among the girls I shoot and being able to go back through images and remember funny or really special times is so lovely. I guess that's what inspires me to continue photographing all different types of people :) also being able to express my self is really important to me and i find photography is a great way to do that :) #laaaammmee ha
Have you ever had your photos featured in a magazine or a website?
Not as of yet! I only started in July of this year so i'm still very much a rookie at this stage but when I return from Europe next year I'm planning on sending my stuff off to a bunch of magazines and hopefully gain some experience through them and hopefully open up some doors to work with brands and whatnot :)
How would you describe yourself? And how would people describe you?
Chilled out, driven, optimistic, happy :)
I'm here with my friend Carla so she's answering this part haha...
"I find Gabi one of the most optimistic, fun and down to earth people I have ever met. She is not only gorgeous on the outside but her loving, kind nature makes her the most beautiful person I know. When Gabi finds something she loves she does anything to pursue it to the best of her ability. I feel so incredibly blessed to have Gabi as such a big part of my life."
Do you know what your name means?
Not sure exactly, but I was named after Fred Hollows wife Gabrielle Hollows. She is such an inspirational woman so I feel very honoured to be named after such an influential leader like herself!
I live on the North Coast of New South Wales. Near a beach town known as Byron Bay. I absolutely love living where I live. The beaches in particular are magical and the whole vibe of the town is so chilled out and loving which I adore. I think even as i grow up and move away I'll always come back here, it holds a very special place in my heart.
What makes you happy?
My family, my dogs haha, my friends, good food, TRAVEL (oh boy do i love it), oh and when you come home from school and you're super hungry and you look in the cupboard and there's really good food ahhh ya feel me?
What do you like to do in your free time?
I love going for picnics with my gorgeous girlfriends, reading magazines, blogging (lol typical teenager haha), going for coffee & sushi - all those dandy things :)
If you could take one last picture, what would it be?
A big group photo of all of my gorgeous family and friends laughing haha so lame but so lovingly true :)
Favourite magazine? Russh, Oyster, SPOOK (sorry couldn't pick one haha)
Last book you read? The Catcher In The Rye by J.D Salinger
Latest thing you purchased? Ticket to Europe! Expensive purchase, god haha
Place you wish to visit? I leave for Europe tomorrow and I'm super excited to visit Florence in Italy! Oh and Paris of course!
Favourite time of the year? Spring! It's my birthday, the weather is perfect and everything seems to just get happier as Christmas comes around :)
the one behind the screen,
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