High School
On Wednesday and Thursday, my school held a collaborative camp which includes the whole high school students and teachers. It reminded me the camp my class and the senior's class had when we were in junior high. The only thing different was that we didn't go to the waterfall.
I realised that this year will be my last year in high school, and I am forever grateful because I get to go to 12 years of school. I am also grateful that I was raised in a good community, both in school, and outside school. I am grateful for the people who came and left during my years of school. I am grateful for the memories made during my school years. I am grateful for the lessons learned in the mistakes I did, especially during my high school years. I am grateful that I get to be a part in someone else's life, and be someone important in it. I am mostly, extremely grateful for the friends I made. Those who stayed since primary until now, who left when primary and junior high ended, who came when senior high started, who will leave when the school years are over, and who will stay when the school years are over.
I am grateful that I have different kinds of friends. The flirter, the listener, the people person, the hyperbole, the sarcastic, the hugger, the liar, the loud one, the whiner, the competitive, the geek, the teacher's pet, the OCD, the leader, the control-freak, the naïve, the dirty one, the pleaser, and so many more. I am glad I interact with all of them because without them, I wouldn't know that there are that many kinds of people. Of course, I couldn't possibly have my future surrounded by bad vibes-spreader types of people, but I know that one day I will deal with those kind of people again. Thank you high school for getting me ready to deal with people like them.
Hahah this post feels like I'm already leaving high school (which I will be doing in approximately in nine months!!!). Have a great Friday night lovers. Hope you're having a good end-of-weekdays celebration.
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