Things To Look Forward To
Taken by me with Fuji Disposable Camera
It's only the mid of February and there are so many things I cannot wait for. I can't wait to see more Manta Rays. I can't wait to get the exciting phone call. I can't wait to watch Posesif at Rumah Sanur. I can't wait to join the Women's March on March. I can't wait to watch the Oscars. I can't wait for my Bali sister's graduation day. I can't wait to surprise my boyfriend on his 21st birthday. I can't wait to post more Monday Movie Recommendations, especially for March (since the theme will be about women empowerment!). I can't wait for my brother to go to OZ and I get to ask him to get me some stuffs. I can't wait to have my two years anniversary with le boyfriend. I can't wait for the Ramadhan month. I can't wait to go back to Jakarta. I can't wait to meet my dearest BBQ gang, one of the most exciting thing that happens during my time in Jakarta. I can't wait to see Lorde at We The Fest 2018. I can't wait for my friend's wedding, me being the bridesmaid. I can't wait for the live-in programme from uni. I can't wait for halloween. I can't wait for my 21st birthday. I can't wait for my final year project proposal exam. I can't wait for 2019.
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