Why Am I The One
nobel and i last year
It's the second day of the week, and I already have a feeling that this week is going to be tiring. I am so booked with personal project, and just life in general. I cannot wait for my book to be finished, and for the end of year exam to be done, and so my class and I could focus on prom (or as the British/Australians call it, formal). And then we will have our one month summer holiday! I cannot wait for that, or at least until all learning schedules are over so I can do my Hari Kemerdekaan Janis again. I didn't do it last year, maybe it was because I wasn't feeling that tired, but right now, my own independence day is all I need.
I just felt a weird feeling right now, which is the longing of my friends, or of my junior high life, or just my previous life before this 'segment'. I listened to Westlife's My Love because it reminds me of two of my friends who sang that for the music exam, to Jason Mraz's I'm Yours because it reminds me of so many things that were really good back in the days. And now I am listening to Fun. because all of their songs are very good to listen and understand to.
I just reread a few of my older posts, and I have a crush on this post. It seemed like I was very truthful and open to you, and I looked like I had fun! It's really hard to have actual and spontaneous fun nowadays due to the tight schedule, and the gadgets that are in the way. That is why I hope that this summer holiday I get to feel spontaneity, warmth, good kind of longings, and plenty of water! As you all know I've been craving to go to Bali, or any other tropical islands and my family are planning to go there but it's still a yes-no-maybe sort of destination. But anyways, I am happy because after my cousins have their national exam, my family will spend a night or two at Putri Duyung, Ancol! That place is gold during nighttime.
Anyway, that's it for today. I'm watching Glee right now, and I can't help but to fangirl over Adam Lambert! Oh and also, fyi my stove has been taken by mum for her & my aunt's new culinary thing, and I don't have my own stove and i'm really sad :( That's why this gif is here to cheer me up. TRAVOLTA
the one behind the screen,
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