It's been a week

So, some of you are probably thinking "WHAT HAS BEEN A WEEK?"
Well, my ulcer (sariawan) has been a week
you guys are probably wondering, like, why are you counting days of your ulcer?

It's because I am afraid. Yes, I am afraid.

Anyway, I dont want to talk about something painful. I'm going to tell you guys about Sports and Arts Week and what I did on Monday.

1. Thursday February 23rd
Played futsal, there was also swimming estafet, galasin, and um i think that's it. Group gue main futsal dan galasinnya gak banget deh x_x

2. Friday February 24th
Watched everyone played their finals. UK didn't made it to any finals, except for ECC futsal and balap rakit. HEHEHEE balap rakit dapet juara kedua! and futsal ECC dapet juara tiga! UUUU lovin' my Ichiro for making ECC third place :* Kita juga ada art competition! Ngecet di tong....

3. Saturday February 25th
Yesssss. We had school.... But it wasn't so bad. There as an angklung perforrmance. and I mean, UK got second place on TRIATHLON! Aqilla, Meidy and I swam like monsters!! We didn't care about our breath as long as we win! Kita kayak kehabisan nafas gitu pas selesai bernang. Mana bernangnya harus freestyle lagi kan freestyle is like hell gitu.... But, we made it! yay! Thanks to Aqilla for being faster than the rest of us, and Ichiro & Lino for running & throwing the basketball fast!

After sports week, I went to Fara's house and we cooked. NOPE, we didn't cook sosis dibungkus mie goreng lagi... NO NO NO. We cooked CHOCOLATE! YES! Both WHITE AND MILK CHOCOLATE! Trus kan the white chocolate other than plain, we decided to use crushed oreos jadi lebih enak gitu! 
Trus, one of the worst event ever. Probably in the history of Fara's and my experience. We went to a new sushi restaurant gitu near her house. And kayak aneh gitu sushi nya............... Ada sushi yang bentuknya hati harganya Rp.38.000.......... Akhirnya, karena gue dan Fara uangnya pas-pasan kita beli sushi yang harganya Rp.36.000 dan isinya cuma E N A M. Trus gue kayak bandingin di rasushi gitu, kalo disana isi DELAPAN cuma Rp.28.000. Mana di rasushi kan enak, kalo di .....sushi tuh it's like........... um. Kita disana ketemu Memei <3 hehehehehe dia sedang makan malam bersama dengan keluarga tercinta. 
Anywaaay, at 9 we went back to Fara's and Rahma came at 9.30ish. We talked and everything else and slept at 11-ish.

4. Sunday February 26th
We woke up at 5.30 trus cuci muka and brushed our teeth because we're going to run! Kita keluar dari Central Park jam 6.30 da nyampe di Florence jam 7 kurang, dan disana ketemu Dimas, Bintang, Adya and Kak Nugra. Kita ngobrol sambil makan bubur ayam sampe jam 9.30. Trus kita ganti-gantian ada yang naik sepeda & ada yang jalan. trus gue digonceng sama kembaran gue :3 Kita nyampe lapangan Barca jam 10 trus jam 11an kita ke rumah barunya Adya! HEHEHE disana kita main sama Anggi!!! His eyes lucu banget loooh. Trus karena Anggi & parentsnya Adya pergi, IT'S TIME!!! Gue mulai melakukan house tour. Rumah itu udah serasa rumah gue sendiri. Trus gue keatas, trus pas ke kamarnya Jaja ada skateboard! Alhasil, gue dan kembaran gue main skateboard di dalem rumah x_x Trus jam 1 kita pulang and Rahma and I went to Fara's house.

5. Monday February 27th
Woke up in the morning feeling like Bangun jam 7 dan langsung makan mandi karena saya dan mama akan pergi keeeee MRCCC SILOAM SEMANGGI: RUMAH SAKIT KANKER TERLENGKAP DI ASIA!! eh kok promosi Anywaaay, gue kesitu bukan karena gue menghadapi penyakit kanker, tetapi, gue kesana karena gue support anak-anak kanker HEEEE :D Aren't I nice? Gue dan nyokap disana ke seminar tante gue, dia panitia, nama acaranya HARI KANKER ANAK INTERNASIONAL 2012. Seru banget deh di MRCCC tuh sampe lantai 36, dan gue di lantai 36..... Which was tall...... .. ohiya! I met Ipah there and the rest of the gang. Gue disana sampe jam 1.30pm. i learned a lot about cancer, which gave me a different paradigm about cancer. Jam 2, gue ada les piano. As usual lah ya nothing special. Trus gue jemput bokap and ke citos buat beli tix DILEMA karena jam 5.15, gue & Carissa bakalan nonton itu ;D Trus jam 4.45 gue jemput Carissa di H/S gitu heheheh padahal berharap ketemu si itu  overall, Dilema ceritanya bagus sih. Very interesting, tapi the movie umm I don't really like it. Tapi itu sih menurut guee yaa. Trus gue selse nonton, Carissa pulang and gue ketemu Fara dehh. Trus I went home and ate sushi.
